Personal Training Instructor in Huyton, Liverpool
Terry has over 30 years experience in teaching Martial arts, Fitness and Life Coaching
Terry is a 4th Degree Black Belt in Kick Boxing, 1st degree Black Belt in Ju Jitsu, a former British Kick Boxing Champion and amateur boxer, he is also the inventor of Kick Fit which has had classes run throughout Merseyside for over 17 years.
His Kick Fit class still have an average of 100 Ladies per class WHY-Because Terry motivates your mind as much as your body (after all it’s your mind that gets you to training or makes up an excuse!)
Through his years in teaching Terry has trained literally 10s of 1000s of people over the years to be the best they can be and to reach their goals.
He is a N.D.B.K qualified coach and can Grade you from White to Black Belt on a 1-2-1 basis without attending a busy class guaranteeing fast but high quality results.
Terry is also a qualified Life coach, Sports mind coach and Hypnotherapist he has worked with companies and individuals from every walk of life including professional sports people and teams, David Price, Jay Bimpson, Richie Heeson, Sapphire MMA to name just a few.
Need more convincing?- Go to and read some of the amazing testimonials he has received over the years
Get trained by the best!
Any concerns or need more information call Terry today.
Martial Arts is one of the most effective way of losing weight and toning up as its a win win situation you get all the benefits of going the gym or attending a class with the massive bonus of being able to defend yourself and your family. Plus Martial Arts training is so life changing and positive you cant help but increase your confidence & body language. Another great positive side effect is you get so much more energy and vitality. Imagine waking up with more fuel in the tank, able to reach your goals rather than wanting them but having no energy to get going.
Success breeds success and once you start getting results then your mind quickly believes it can achieve anything-And you CAN!
Muscle confusion is the best way to gain quick results, this is changing the workout every lesson, I do this in my classes and 1-2-1s so the body cant get used to the workouts which means maximum results in minimum time scales.
I use exercises from the best aerobic classes and martial arts workouts, incorporating your own body weight, Kick and hand pads to build up speed, toning and confidence. I also use my life coaching and Sports performance mind coaching skills to help you turn on the most important organ of your body-your brain, to work as a team with your body to guarantee results.
Without the brain/ mind focus the body has no driver it’s like having a great car but your sat nav is not set to any destination, you cannot hit a target if you don’t have one.
It’s my passion to help you know what you want, help you believe you can get there and to personally guide you until you reach your goal.